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3 minutes

<details> and <summary> - A Tale of Hidden Treasures! 🎭🔍

Greetings, fellow web wanderers! Today, we embark on a journey into the lesser-known realms of HTML, where the <details> and <summary> tags await to add a touch of mystery and interactive charm to your web creations. Imagine them as the secret passages and hidden doors of your webpage, inviting users to explore and discover hidden treasures. Let’s dive into their enchanting world!

The Cast: <details> and <summary> - Dynamic Duo of Disclosure!

<details> - The Keeper of Secrets

The <details> tag is like a magical curtain, concealing content until the user is ready to reveal it. It acts as a container for information that can be expanded or collapsed.

  <summary>Click to reveal the secret!</summary>
  <p>This is the hidden treasure you’ve been seeking!</p>

<summary> - The Gateway to Revelation

The <summary> tag is the key to unlock the hidden content. It serves as the clickable header or button that users interact with to reveal the concealed information.

  <summary>Unlock the Mystery</summary>
  <p>The ancient map to the treasure lies beneath...</p>

The Quest: Understanding Their Purpose

  1. Dynamic Content Disclosure:
    • Scenario: Imagine you have extra details or information that might overwhelm the user if displayed initially.
    • Solution: Wrap this content in a <details> tag, and let the user decide when to explore further.
  2. Interactive FAQs:
    • Scenario: You have a list of frequently asked questions, and you want users to reveal the answers selectively.
    • Solution: Each question-answer pair can be a <details> with the question as <summary>.
  3. Compact Navigation:
    • Scenario: You want to provide a collapsible menu or navigation list.
    • Solution: Use <details> and <summary> to create a clean, expandable menu.

The Enchantment: Crafting Your Own Revealing Spell!

Let’s weave some magic with a practical example. Suppose you want to create a FAQ section with hidden answers:

<details open>
  <summary>What is the meaning of life?</summary>
  <p>The meaning of life is a deeply philosophical question...</p>

  <summary>How can I learn magic?</summary>
    Learning magic requires dedication, practice, and a sprinkle of wonder...

  <summary>Where is the hidden treasure?</summary>
  <p>The hidden treasure is guarded by mythical creatures...</p>

If you look carefully, you will notice an open attribute on the first <details>. As the name suggests, the details will be open by default and the secrets revealed.

The Finale: Unveiling the Hidden Wisdom

  • Engaging User Experience: Users can selectively explore the content that interests them, keeping your page visually tidy.
  • Enhanced Readability: Hide supplementary information until users express the desire to dive deeper, avoiding information overload.
  • Accessible and Semantic: Provides a semantic and accessible way to structure and present content.

Closing the Curtain: Wrapping Up the HTML Drama

The <details> and <summary> tags are like the dynamic actors in a captivating play, adding an element of surprise and engagement to your web pages. Use them wisely to enhance user experience, reveal hidden gems, and keep the magic alive in your web creations!

Photo of Library of Congress on Unsplash